[Jobs] Perl Developer, London - assist with/take over maintenance of existing project

David Hodgkinson david.hodgkinson at hansfordassociates.com
Fri Mar 25 17:23:09 GMT 2011

I'm looking for a freelance perl developer to assist with and
potentially take over an existing project for that legendary "large
media company in West London".

The system is based on TT, DBIC/DBI, much XML and CSV parsing of
occasionally shonky data coming via API or file download. Version
control is SVN. Task and time tracking through JIRA. There is a fair
degree of battling with release management and pushing changes through
the syste to live.

The user-facing system is PHP with CSS and jQuery, and the backend is
Java/Spring/Hibernate/mvn so familiarity with either of these is useful.

This will be mostly remote working although working with me in NW1
will be often useful. Meetings in W1 and W12 are also likely

There is the strong possibility that in the coming months this project
will spring back to life in interesting ways in which case you'll get 
augmented with a PHP and a Java person.

CVs and rates to david.hodgkinson at hansfordassociates.com

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