[ANNOUNCE] LPW Tripods and extensions

Mark Keating m.keating at shadowcat.co.uk
Tue Nov 8 19:31:11 GMT 2011

Hellow all, as last year I will be bringing 3 video cameras but ti would 
be good if someone could supply tripods and extensions to plug them in 
and support them. I have the promise of one tripod and am looking for 2 
more (which will save me lugging them down from Lancaster - I am already 
bringing banners and a small child so the less I carry the better :)

Please respond at your soonest, thanks in advance.


Mark Keating BA (Hons), Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder.
Managing Director: http://www.shadow.cat
For more that I do visit: http://www.mdk.me

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