[ANNOUNCE] Croyden.pm, 26th of January

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Thu Jan 12 14:26:35 GMT 2006

Croyden.pm will be meeting at the Dog n Bull, Surrey St, Croyden, on the
evening of the 26th of January.  Topics of discussion are expected to
include ranting about bosses, ranting about users, cooking, cooking
users, what Santa gave us, and topiary.

You will all be most welcome, even if you're from the wrong side of the

Our special guests this month will be the ghost of Alfred the Great, and
his dog Spotte.

David Cantrell | top google result for "internet beard fetish club"

  The test of the goodness of a thing is its fitness for use.  If it
  fails on this first test, no amount of ornamentation or finish will
  make it any better, it will only make it more expensive and foolish.
     -- Frank Pick, lecture to the Design and Industries Assoc, 1916

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