invoking perl quietly and portably
Stig Brautaset
stig at
Mon Feb 20 10:31:42 GMT 2006
For the Module::Build::Kwalitee[0] compile test I'm testing perl
scripts in ./bin using the following:
ok( ! system($Config{perlpath}, "-c", "-Mblib", $script),
"$script" );
This appears to work, but is a bit more chatty than I'd like. I've
skimmed through perlipc but couldn't see a way around this except
opening a pipe and redirecting stderr to /dev/null, which seems
somewhat unportable:
open(SPOOLER, "| $Config{perlpath} -c -Mblib $script 2>/dev/null")
|| die "can't fork: $!";
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die "spooler pipe broke" };
close SPOOLER || die "bad spool: $! $?";
Any ideas?
[0] -
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