[JOB] BBC Perl Developer at White City

Simon Cozens simon at simon-cozens.org
Fri Jul 14 22:09:40 BST 2006

On 13 Jul 2006, at 19:57, Earle Martin wrote:
> Be kind, you lot.

Hey, anyone who's on the london.pm XML feed already got one.

> From: Stuart Wiseman <Stuart_Wiseman [at] spring [dot] com>

Except "Stuart Wiseman" was spelt "Simi Jaji <Simi_Jaji at spring.com>"

What the hell is SCRUM anyway?

And I've noticed that the same people tend to use the slippery slope  
frequently. Apparently, once you start using the this kind of  
argument, it is
hard to know when to stop.
     - Real Live Preacher

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