Perl Vacancy

danny staple danny at
Wed Aug 16 12:28:33 BST 2006

On 16/08/06, Peter Corlett <abuse at> wrote:
> On 16 Aug 2006, at 12:03, Andrew McGregor wrote:
> [...]
> > This is great, I'm looking into something similar.  The question
> > is, why aren't you using google?  What does or doesn't google offer
> > that I would have to offer to compete?
> Random Googling for technical keywords and place names may well find
> you more CVs of people looking for jobs than actual jobs.
One day, Google are going to do to jobs and job agencies what they did
to plenty of other arenas, and create - wait for it - Google Jobs.
Which may mean that companies and individuals can place CVs and job
specs, maybe at cost to one party, or entirely sponsorship based. It
would probably blow all but the best agencies out of the water.

For all I know, they may already have something like this brewing in
their labs. I know I would have used it when I was looking.

Danny Staple MBCS
(Full contact details available through website)

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