Perl Vacancy

Nicholas Clark nick at
Wed Aug 16 13:44:38 BST 2006

On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 12:53:33PM +0100, Andrew McGregor wrote:
> Peter Corlett wrote:
> >On 16 Aug 2006, at 12:03, Andrew McGregor wrote:
> >[...]
> >>This is great, I'm looking into something similar.  The question is, 
> >>why aren't you using google?  What does or doesn't google offer that 
> >>I would have to offer to compete?
> >
> >Random Googling for technical keywords and place names may well find 
> >you more CVs of people looking for jobs than actual jobs.
> >
> >
> Possibly, but I'd of thought you'd have to try quite hard to get a CV 
> which presumably has very few links in above a job site that will be 
> practicing SEO.

Well, I tried

and the hits are for the top levels of the job sites, not individual jobs.

So, say I were looking for a job* this seems to leave me needing to search
the job sites using their own (crappy) search, or manually using Google to
search within each site in turn. Whereas what I would want is once useful
search. Sort of like a "Google jobs" (as someone else had suggested. If
such a thing were to exist)

Nicholas Clark

* please note, I'm not looking for a job. You can tell when I am because a
  sig appears with my CV. Now, if you want to find my CV, Google gets you to
  it rather easily. Then again, maybe I should include it more often, as it's
  not the highest "Perl" "CV" yet.

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