Gentlemen, a call to arms!

Matt S Trout dbix-class at
Wed Oct 11 20:34:49 BST 2006

They're having a platform war. We're forever left out of the ruby vs. python 
games, the "enterprise" people ignore us (though really, I'm not sure I mind 
that :) but ...

"We have been considering Perl as one of the platforms to be admitted to the 
contest. So far, we have decided against it because we believe that too few 
professionals use it professionally for us to hope to get enough requests for 
admittance for the Perl platform.

If you are a team that would like to participate and would like to use Perl, 
please contact prechelt at (Lutz Prechelt)."

This is a bit of a shotgun e-mail. Several list admins are probably going to 
attempt to track me down and shoot me in the head. I don't care.

Our community has repeatedly failed to market it's way out of a paper bag, 
I've even helped contribute to this with my eminently forgettable London Web 
Frameworks Night talk. But this is about producing working code. *That* we 
know we can do.

Stand up and be counted. It's gotta be good for a laugh if nothing else.

*dons asbestos suit, hides under desk*

      Matt S Trout       Offering custom development, consultancy and support
   Technical Director    contracts for Catalyst, DBIx::Class and BAST. Contact
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  mst (at) for more information

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