What shame? [Was: What a shame...]

Luis Motta Campos luismottacampos at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 24 08:44:54 BST 2006

john_oshea at wordbank.com wrote:
> Andy Armstrong wrote:
>> The BBC is is (in general) an example of a respected government granted
>> monopoly. Unfortunately that means that if you're sufficiently choosy
>> some of their output is indispensable and unique - there isn't - as far
>> as I'm aware - a sensible non-BBC alternative to Radio 4 for example.
>> Unfortunately the BBC's monopoly status means that market forces can't
>> just slug this one out as you describe.
> Playing devil's advocate: surely there are as many vociferous
> *licence-paying* non-Windows users as there are, say, Welsh speakers?  ;-)

  I personally never pay licenses for software: if its not free, I just
drop it and try to find something with a free license to replace it.
This strategy works fine since 1996, when I started using open-source
and free code.

Luis Motta Campos
Senior System Engineer at Segula.FR
Hobbyist Cooker and Photograph

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