Designing database from scratch

paddy paddy at
Wed Oct 25 11:32:29 BST 2006

On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 11:05:37AM +0100, alex at wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm designing a database from scratch and want to progress from the "back
> of an envelope design". I'm thinking of using SQL Fairy eg
> I write an XML description of the SQL Schema
> SQL Fairy converts that to
>    MySQL SQL Code (typically create statements)
> and possibly
>    Class::DBI
> and definitely
>    GraphViz diagrams
> (I'll also be writing some Java code to access the database too and
> possibly some PHP to if I am unlucky).
> What is the "state of the art" for database design in the open source
> world? What do you use?

vim ? ;-)

Perl 6 will give you the big knob. -- Larry Wall

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