What shame? [Was: What a shame...]

Gordon Joly gordon.joly at pobox.com
Thu Oct 26 10:28:16 BST 2006

At 16:33 +0100 23/10/06, Peter Corlett wrote:
>On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 03:53:23PM +0100, Peter Hickman wrote:
>>  If they then start being Internet Explorer only then they will be
>>  completely fucked. This is what we have feared.
>Since, I assume, this all comes out of the TV Licence, it could be argued
>that they're not fulfilling their service obligations by ignoring minority

That was the argument against all online services from BBC in the 
early days (1994 to 1997).

However, in 2006, there is a still a strong argument for Open 
Standards. The team at Kingswood Warren pressed for OGG streams. Did 
that happen? No.

And recall that both Real Media and WMA are both not open formats.


"Think Feynman"/////////
gordon.joly at pobox.com///

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