London housing recommendations

Dave Cross dave at
Tue Oct 31 10:41:51 GMT 2006

Quoting Edmund von der Burg <evdb at>:

> On 30/10/06, Dave Cross <dave at> wrote:
>> How long ago was that? Balham's dead posh now. We've got a Waitrose and
>> everything :)
> 1998 or so.

That makes sense. That was the year I moved here - and things have  
changed massively since then.

> Unless your waitrose is 24 hrs then my old little tacky Somerfield at
> the petrol station tops it :)

Oh, I'm not saying that the Waitrose is actually any good. I've never  
been in it - we get all our groceries off the internet. I was just  
mentioning it as an indicator of how posh the area now is. Actually,  
until earlier this year that Waitrose was a Somerfield.

> And of course the best thing about Balham was that it was near Tooting
> and all the rocking Indian takeouts. Has anyone else noticed a direct
> link between how knackered the plastic chairs are in the waithing bit
> to how good the food is?

I lived in Tooting for about ten years before I moved to Balham - so  
I'm with you 100% on the quality of Indian food there.



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