Yahoo! Mail (was: Tesco Sport for Schools vouchers)

Earle Martin perl at
Thu Nov 2 13:14:45 GMT 2006

On 02/11/06, Paul Makepeace <paulm at> wrote:
> On 11/2/06, Andy Wardley <abw at> wrote:
> > Finally, I settled on xxxxxxxxxyxxxxxxyxyxyxxxxy at Or something like
> When I was in a nearly identical situation I found
> yourpersonalinformationistoast at worked. That address has
> been booted due to inactivity also so feel free ;-)

I've had a Yahoo! Mail account since 1997. There was a period where I
was using it regularly, then on and off. After a few years, when I had
a different mail setup, I would at least periodically log in every now
and then to the old account to check if any stray mail had ended up
there. Then, some time around 2003 or so, I managed to forget it
existed for over six months. Logging back in, I was told "Hey, since
you didn't log in, we've deleted everything you had in the account,
even addressbook entries." The mail storage limit at that time, I
think, was about 10MB. By deleting the old mail I had from valued
friends (one of whom has since died), Yahoo! Inc managed to save
itself about 5MB of disk space. Now they give you a gigabyte of space,
or something.

Bitter? You bet I'm fucking bitter.

Earle Martin

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