RSS experiments

Luke Ross luke at
Mon Nov 6 09:53:56 GMT 2006


On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 11:46:01AM +0000, Andrew Black (li) wrote:
> I am experimenting with XML::RSS to create an RSS feed.  Eventually I 
> want to create a feed for what's new on a website but at this point I am 
> just getting familiar.
> I am using Thunderbird as the client to read the feed.   If I change my 
> server to generate different data the client isn't noticing the change. 
> I am presuming that it thinks that my data is the same as what it has 
> already seen. So my question is - how does the client recognise that 
> items in the feed are new items.
> Any pointers would be welcome

I take it you're generating new IDs for the new items? I'm not sure 
about Thunderbird, but in aKregator it assumes that the content for a 
particular ID is fixed, and will not pick up changes to that item. I 
tend to use a combination of the site name, table name and row ID
for the guid.


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Q - What warning was given by the other party?  A - Moo 
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