Snap quiz: desk stuff

Michel Rodriguez mirod at
Tue Nov 21 21:12:19 GMT 2006

Earle Martin wrote:

> What's on your desk right now, monitor/keyboard/mouse/laptop excluded?

Mostly crap...

1 Skype phone, random stacks of paper (receipts, bank statements... 
waiting patiently to be filed), noise-cancelling headphones, speakers, 
speaker/headphone switch, 2 more headphones, books (Linux sysadmin book, 
Italian grammar, Tintin: Obbietivo Luna, O'Reilly's CSS book), 2 alarm 
clocks, coffee mug, plastic cup, stacks of DVDs (backups), 2 mouse 
pouches (I count 6 mice visible on the desk, some more might be hiding 
under the stacks of paper), a lighter, my passport, resident card, a 
digital camera, sorry, make it 2, a game pad, various business cards, a 
roll of scotch tape, pictures.

Under my desk is where everything actually happens:


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