New to list (with baggage)

Merijn Broeren merijnb at
Wed Dec 6 16:17:53 GMT 2006

Quoting Cullen, Lee (Treasury) (LeeCullen at
> Hi Guys,
> I'm new to the list - Hooray!
> But also come bearing a problem - Boo!
> I'm sure iit's not a great big problem but I'm hoping someone has seen it
> before and can offer an assist.  Here goes:
> I have a perl install that has a DBI module (1.37) along with a DBD::Sybase
> module configured to connect to a Sybase 12.0 database using the Sybase
> OCS-12_0 Open Client.  With it so far...
> As part of an upgrade project, we have a new Sybase 12.5.1 database which is
> using the Sybase OCS-12_5 Open Client.  As such, I need to install another
> version of DBD::Sybase in order to have my current perl scripts able to
> connect correctly to the new database as I will have scripts connecting to
> both databases at one time or another.
> To do so, I need to install 2 versions of the same module.  Not possible...

I'm quite sure you can use a DBD-Sybase build against OC 12.5.1 against
an earlier sybase install. We do that here everyday, back to 10.4 via
11.x stuff. 

In any case you don't need different installs of DBI, that can be the
same. After that, if you insist you can install several versions of
DBD-Sybase. Either use only or just install them in parallel
directories. That's what we do, naming the directories like this:
1.07-oc12.5.1, 1.06-oc12.5.0 etc. Then just use lib them or PERL5LIB or
something along those lines. You can't use them in the same program
however, if you want to do that, you'll have to rename the module, both
filename and package keyword. 

Merijn Broeren | My hat to keep the Martian brain rays out works just fine.
               | It's really *good* tin foil.
               | And stop staring at me like that.

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