Post Xmas Pwnage
Peter Hickman
peter.hickman at
Thu Jan 4 16:32:39 GMT 2007
Jonathan Rockway wrote:
> Peter Hickman wrote:
>> Is it me or is anyone else seeing this?
> This guy is seeing it too, and it got his site delisted from Google!
Glad it's not just me then. Just added another 4,544 addresses since my
last post :(
This has got to be out of whack, it's just my home PC with it's little
vanity website, it's not GCHQ or a bank. Is there any way of knowing why
I seem to be on the end of this?
Peter Hickman.
Semantico, Lees House, 21-23 Dyke Road, Brighton BN1 3FE
t: 01273 722222
f: 01273 723232
e: peter.hickman at
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