rt.cpan RSS feeds

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Thu Feb 8 12:28:50 GMT 2007

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 11:52:41AM +0000, Simon Cozens wrote:
> David Cantrell:
> > but unless Feedshake can automagically extract a list of my
> > distributions, keep that list up to date, and automatically subscribe to
> > all those feeds, then it's no better than me just adding them all to my
> > rss2email individually.
> Sounds like you want Plagger, then.

Can plagger automatically extract that list of distributions from rt

Cos if it can't, then I'm more likely to write a quick shell script to
GET and scrape the list from the website myself than to fight my way
through installing and configgering Plagger and then writing a plugin
for it.

David Cantrell | top google result for "topless karaoke murders"

Eye have a spelling chequer / It came with my pea sea
It planely marques four my revue / Miss Steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a quay and type a word / And weight for it to say
Weather eye am wrong oar write / It shows me strait a weigh.

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