Really simple question.

Paul Johnson paul at
Thu Feb 8 23:47:13 GMT 2007

On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 12:46:56PM -0500, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On 8-Feb-07, at 10:35 AM, Robert Bannocks wrote:
> >is there an internal perl variable is $<somethins> that will tell  
> >you index of an array you are at in a foreach loop
> Doesn't mjd have a rant about this somewhere (about what is/wrong  
> with p5p)? I can't find it on the net (it might be in one of his for- 
> pay talks).

The slides don't seem to be up any more, or perhaps they never were, but
there's a video at

There was a time where this seemed to be discussed regularly on p5p.  If
I remember correctly, the standard reasons for not providing such a
variable were that no one wanted to penalise loops that didn't need that
variable, and what were you going to do with nested loops?

Paul Johnson - paul at

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