Downtown and Midtown Re: [OT] Hotel suggestions for downtown London

Matt Wilson codebrewery at
Fri Apr 27 10:33:06 BST 2007

On 4/27/07, Adam Auden <adam at> wrote:
> Estate Agents are often found referring to Fitzrovia as Noho.  This pains me.

Isn't that what estate agents do? When I was looking around flats
around a year ago the guy who showed us round some places claimed
flats were in "Borough" when they were blatantly in Bermondsey[1] -
"but it's south of Bermondsey Street, surely that wouldn't be classed
as Borough?" "Err, no, no, that's just a name...". Bah!


[1] Well, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that estate agents rarely tell
you what you want to hear.

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