Downtown and Midtown Re: [OT] Hotel suggestions for downtown London

Steve Mynott steve at
Sat Apr 28 13:06:57 BST 2007

On Sat, Apr 28, 2007 at 12:21:41PM +0100, graham typed:

> This is a trap I've fallen into before - the assumption that there is a 
> 'right height' for paperbacks. For some reason known only to publishers' 
> marketing departments, every couple of years there is a jump in the 
> height of paperbacks (not to mention the increase in thickness as they 
> go for ever fatter and coarser paper). So my nice custom shelves for 
> 1990 paperbacks are useless for 2007 paperbacks..

Sounds like they want people to buy old second-hand paperbacks to me!

Steve Mynott <steve at>

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