[ANNOUNCE] May Social Meeting on 3rd of May - The Cittie of Yorke, Holborn

Simon Wistow simon at thegestalt.org
Mon Apr 30 11:37:51 BST 2007

On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 04:56:43AM -0400, Richard Landells said:
> WTH!  I will probably also attend for my first time on Thursday.  Just
> in case you aren't all blindingly obvious, it would be appreciated if
> one of you could stand up every 5 mins or so and yell "camels" :)

Actually, that's anot a bad idea. I shall bring one of the London.pm 
stuffed camels.

> PS: I don't have a beard. Will this be a problem?

I estimate beards on only 34% of attendees :)

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