I'm drowning in PHP

graham graham at theseamans.net
Tue May 15 12:12:28 BST 2007

Jonathan Rockway wrote:
> On Monday 14 May 2007 10:12:31 pm Andy Armstrong wrote:
>> This is a small gem from some PHP I'm obliged to look at:
>>      for($i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++) {
> Ah, the classic O(n^2) for loop.  Haven't seen that one for quite a while, 
> especially not in a language with built-in regexes.  Gotta love PHP...

In a case where n is never likely to be large enough for order notation 
to come into it. Surely the issue is the waste of programmer, not 
processor, cycles used. Which has sod all to do with PHP the language - 
a beginning perl programmer could have done the same...


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