DTD parser?

Nic Gibson nicg at noslogan.org
Fri Jun 1 21:01:21 BST 2007

On Jun 1, 2007, at 20:32, Andy Armstrong wrote:

> On 1 Jun 2007, at 19:48, Nic Gibson wrote:
>> There's another flag[1] to nsgmls to tell it that you are dealing  
>> with xml not sgml if that's the case.
>> That's only going to check that the dtd is valid of course. What  
>> did you actually mean by 'parse'?
> I'd like to create a bunch of data structures that for each (X)HTML  
> version describe which tags are valid, which deprecated and the  
> attributes that each require / allow.
> The overall aim is to build HTML::Tiny::Strict as a validating  
> version of HTML::Tiny. I'd like to generate the data automatically  
> from the DTDs.

Off the top of my head, I wonder if Norm Walsh's dtdparse might help  
- http://nwalsh.com/perl/dtdparse/


> -- 
> Andy Armstrong, hexten.net

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