removing a file with hyphens

Richard Foley Richard.Foley at
Tue Jun 12 12:33:38 BST 2007

On Tuesday 12 June 2007 09:24, Stig Brautaset wrote:
> On 12 Jun 2007, at 00:31, asmith9983 at wrote:
> > "rm -rfv /"
> >
> > One unfortunate side-effect  is that system no longer runs after  
> > removing the files, so this command is not the recommended  method.
> I wish people wouldn't make these suggestions. They are extremely  
> unhelpful and even less funny.
I did "rm -r ./" for the current directory once, as root.  Only I managed to 
include an eroneous space between the '.' and the '/'.  I only did it the 
once, and it wasn't funny at the time.  Now, though, with the benefit of many 
years hindsight, it seems much funnier, somehow...


Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than aufwiedersehen

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