Exception Handling

Otávio Fernandes otaviof at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 14:31:22 BST 2007

On 7/11/07, Dave Cross <dave at dave.org.uk> wrote:
> (I apologise in advance for the on-topic[1] nature of this mail)
> A couple of years ago, I can remember sitting in Fotango's office
> listening to Mark Fowler give an interesting talk about the various
> Perl exception handling modules. As I recall it ended by saying they
> all had their faults which is why he had written another one.
> We're currently contemplating changing the exception handling for the
> project I'm maintaining and Mark's talk would be a good introduction
> to the issues we need to consider. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to
> be on the tech talk page on the web site[2].
> So, does anyone have either a) a link to that talk or b) an
> interesting opinion on which exception handlers I should be
> investigating?
> Cheers,
> Dave...
> [1] Or is that "off-topic"? I can never remember.
> [2] http://london.pm.org/tech_talks/
> --
> site: http://dave.org.uk/
> blog: http://blog.dave.org.uk/

Hello Dave,

If you're using a web application, I recommend CGI::Carp, because you
can write an personalized routine to handle application errors. I my
case, when my scripts return an error (like an die, or any other
fail), instead my users view "Internal Server Error" (from Apache),
they see my error routine build with Carp and CGI ... It's very

best regards,

 | --
 | Otávio Fernandes <otaviof at gmail dot com>
 | FreeBSD 6.2 Release && GNU/Linux User: 283.396
 | http://otaviof.googlepages.com
 | --

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