[ANNOUNCE] [REMINDER] Social this Thursday - PLUS! free beer

Ovid publiustemp-londonpm at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 1 11:27:51 BST 2007

--- Adrian Howard <adrianh at quietstars.com> wrote:

> > When I was, briefly, at Venda, I raised the subject. Even talked  
> > about getting CL in to help
> > with the move.
> I raised it during a job interview with them - do I win?
> (good interview process BTW and seemed nice folk from what I saw)

When I was moving to London months ago and it looked like our company
might have issues, I interviewed with them, too.  Seemed like a good
company.  I liked the guy I interviewed with, the interview process was
good and the interview went very well.  I was pretty sure a job offer
was in the bag, then the *real* issue came up:

  Interviewer:  why are you asking for £XXXXX salary?
  Ovid:  Because that's what the recruiter said you were paying.

They weren't willing to pay what the recruiter said they would pay and
I confess that I was a little disappointed in the recruiter.

It's a shame about the misunderstanding.  I thought things had gone
really well other than that.

In other news, aside from using CVS, their test suite apparently uses
PerlUnit, a project that I thought was long-abandoned, but apparently
is being developed again.  Unless things have changed significantly,
doesn't that mean that pretty much all of the Test:: namespace on the
CPAN is useless, or have things changed?


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