Perl Obfuscator

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes sthoenna at
Tue Sep 18 18:31:44 BST 2007

On Tue, September 18, 2007 8:00 am, Simon Wistow wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 02:31:14PM +0000, Chris Jack said:
>> Can anyone recommend a good, free Perl obfuscator. I had a search on
>> Google, and there seem to be a zillion out there - but which one
>> should I choose? It needs to be able to handle classes, packages, include
>> files etc without effecting functionality/output.
> There will inevitably be an entire fountain of mails coming your way
> saying that blah, blah it's not possible for a whole bunch of reasons -
> that you can only parse Perl with perl so you'll hit nasty edge cases
> (unless someone's started playing around with some of the B:: modules or
> Larry's MAD stuff) and that it's possible to recover the code in a
> recognisable form anyway.

Rather than repeat those arguments, I'll incorporate some of them by

> That said, and if those limitations are acceptable for you, then
> I've head of people using the Stunnix obfuscator

Ah, yes, Stunnix.  Never used it, never even looked at it, but in the
above mentioned thread, you'll get to see the apparent author of it
demonstrating his/her scintillating intelligence.  And witness the
birth of B::Deobfuscate.

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