Missing Something.

Jonathan Peterson JPeterson at bmjgroup.com
Mon Oct 1 16:13:31 BST 2007

>     open(EMACRXFNP02,
> "<content_data/spdm828a/emacrxfnp02.emea.bankofamerica.com");

It's always worth checking the return status of open, in case it couldn't 
open for some reason:
"<content_data/spdm828a/emacrxfnp02.emea.bankofamerica.com") or die "I 
couldn't open the file because: $!";

>     @crxfnp02_users = <EMACRXFNP02>;
>     close(EMACRXFNP02);
>     $chester_userid = (param('chester_userid'));
>     chomp $chester_userid;
>     if         ($crxfnp02_users =~ m/$chester_userid /i ) {

$crxfnp02_users isn't the same as @crxfnp02_users. I'm guessing that 
perhaps you mean $crxfnp02_users[0] which is the first element in the 
array @crxfnp02_users. Or do you wish to check all the elements of 
@crxfnp02_users against $chester_userid and see if any of them match? 
Also, are you sure you want a regular expression match, or are you looking 
for an exact string match? At the moment, a username of '*' would always 

If my assumptions are correct, then you probably want to 'use strict' so 
that perl stops you making that kind of mistake. It is regrettable that 
while 'use strict' is of primary importance to beginners, the manual page 
for it is unusually obscure and technical (
http://perldoc.perl.org/strict.html). Here's something more down to earth 

You may find that for specific queries, the perlmonks website is more 
useful than london.pm.

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