Install::NewFangled-- CPAN

Andy Armstrong n at
Fri Oct 26 18:54:58 BST 2007

On 26 Oct 2007, at 18:41, Frank Wright wrote:
> This is sort of related. I too have Ubuntu GG and had trouble  
> applying modules with the CPAN shell. Some would apply and some  
> wouldn't. At that time I had not enable the root account and was  
> doing everything with "sudo". A week or so later I was at it again  
> but as the root user and had no problems installing modules. Has  
> anyone else experienced this?

I upgraded a laptop that was running Feisty to GG and problems  
relating (I think) to the rearrangement of @INC. I hosed the perl  
installation (deleted everything pointed to be @INC and forced a  
reinstall), upgraded CPAN to the latest version, switched to using  
sudo for make install / ./Build install and chowned ~/.cpan and  
everything below it to me. Once I'd done all that it worked fine.

Simple things to check - do you own all the files below ~/.cpan?

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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