LOL++ (Re: OT: It's arrived!)

Jonathan Stowe jns at
Fri Nov 9 11:13:38 GMT 2007

On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 10:33 +0000, Chisel Wright wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 10:03:43AM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
> > But I'm still not sure I understand why it doesn't work.  It looks like
> > a perfectly proper escaped newline to me.  What am I missing?
> The perl expression is in double quotes which means that bash sees the !
> and tries to do bash-magic on it.

Yes but anyone who has tried running perl one-liners more than once will
have been annoyed by this and would have switched off shell history
expansion, like, you know, years ago.

set +H 


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