Help me, my Wandsworth-fu is weak!

Iain Tatch iain.tatch+londonpm at
Wed Nov 14 07:10:15 GMT 2007

On 13/11/2007, Jacqui caren <jacqui.caren at> wrote:

> David Cantrell wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me whether this 'ere footbridge:
> >
> >
> > exists? and whether it is accessible from both ends?  Thanks!
> Google maps do not show any obstructions and it looks "used".
> Unlike GM's of my local area - the piccies of the bridge are clear
> down to 4M elevation!

Slightly late to the party I know, but for London mapping I think the
boys and girls from Redmond currently have the lead over the boys and
girls from, err, whatever part of CA Google lives in.

The footbridge is even clearer if you click the little compass doodah
in the top left so that your POV is from the north, looking south.


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