Laptop Recommendations

David Cantrell david at
Wed Nov 28 19:07:35 GMT 2007

On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 04:40:08PM +0000, Martin A. Brooks wrote:
> Andy Wardley wrote:
> >Nigel Rantor wrote:
> >>I think I'm in the market for a laptop.
> >MacBook Pro.  Nothing else is quite as shiny.  Excellent quality,
> >performance, and value for money. 
> Until it breaks, and you find out just how shockingly bad Apple's suppor is.
> I state this opinion as the person who got to sort out every mac that
> broke at Fotango over a 12 month period.

You've said this before.  I still don't believe that your anecdote is

But if it is, then I'm sure that my anecdote of having two macs running
here at home both over five years old, both with no hardware problems
ever, is at least as significant.

David Cantrell | Godless Liberal Elitist

    Seven o'clock in the morning is something that
    happens to those less fortunate than me

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