Whisky Competition!

Edmund von der Burg evdb at ecclestoad.co.uk
Fri Dec 7 08:32:10 GMT 2007

On 03/12/2007, Edmund von der Burg <evdb at ecclestoad.co.uk> wrote:
> So I propose a competition, the winner of which shall be presented
> with the bottle at the next social!

And the winner is...... Aidan Samuel!

[lovely assistant walks over in sequin robe to present bottle]

Aidan is doubly deserving of this prize for having won it in two ways.

  1) His code was particularly impenetrable to human reading,
beautifully fit into exactly 4x72, horribly uses $a and $b, and
(vitally) did not try to delete any of my files.
  2) He was the only entrant - and so wins by default.

The masterpiece:

$a(1..scalar at x){$y=0;for$b(0..$#x){$y+=$x[$b]*$a**$b;}print chr int $y;}

A big hand if you please!


In reality I'm evdb at ecclestoad.co.uk - http://ecclestoad.co.uk
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