Speed limit signs (was: Computing power analogies)

Edmund von der Burg evdb at ecclestoad.co.uk
Tue Dec 11 15:13:04 GMT 2007

On 11/12/2007, Denny <london.pm at metamathics.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 12:40 +0000, Edmund von der Burg wrote:
> > Drive in the UK? - sign this:
> > http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/displaythespeed/
> It would be more useful if they included the speed limit on all the
> 'warning, speed cameras in this area' signs, rather than on the back of
> the camera itself.  By the time people have seen the camera it's
> probably too late to prevent panic braking.

True - but that petition is a good start.

The ideal tech solution would be for the little sat navs everyone now
seems to have to compare your speed to the speed limit and make little
tutting noises if you're going a little too fast, through to full
panic gibbering when doing 90 past a school.

However this might not be considered a feature by many :)


In reality I'm evdb at ecclestoad.co.uk - http://ecclestoad.co.uk
Drive in the UK? - sign this: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/displaythespeed/

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