Living the Metaphor

Adam Bartosik moldovenu at
Fri Jan 18 19:34:29 GMT 2008

> I'm sure you've heard of, but in case you haven't:

it is done ;) there are also reed and jobsearch and .... at least goog ;)

> Actually, I'm surprised to see so many "Catalyst + DBIx::Class" jobs in
> the paid sidebar.  Exciting.

Yeap, Cata-market is growing. This is must-be, all CGI apps are going die... ;)

Your post remembered me that I tried to help J.Shirley bringing
something new into Catalyst site... many other things in a meantime,
but in weeks I hope I could be able to spend some time on it.

But there is even no info about your book in "Documentation" section
on Catalyst site... why? /maybe this is not the right place for such
off topics... however... Friday evening... ;)

Adam Bartosik

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