wiki scraping

Nic Gibson nicg at
Thu Feb 28 16:34:02 GMT 2008

On 2/28/08, Leon Brocard <acme at> wrote:
> On 28/02/2008, Nic Gibson <nicg at> wrote:
> >  I'm planning to put together a little script using LWP::UserAgent and
> so on,
> >  convert the wiki markup to xml, feed it through FOP and hand over a
> pdf.
> I've never seen any pretty documents generated by FOP. Got any tips?
> Leon

None whatsoever :)

But pretty isn't one of my requirements - the requirement would be 'not
having to give access to an internal server to a couple of 3rd party
suppliers'.  I only work for a publisher, the people who do pretty are about
8 desks away.


Nic Gibson
Director, Corbas Consulting
Editorial and Technical Consultancy

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