Random Perl 6 syntax rant

asmith9983@gmail.com asmith9983 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 15:28:44 BST 2008

>From the subject line I wondered initially if this was a rant about Perl as a 
language, which is great but quite difficult to learn, or Perl 6. I haven't 
looked at Perl 
6 yet but am worried that with my brain having difficulty absorbing all of 
Perl 5,
space will need to be found for a new language rather than an evolutionary 
step forward as with 5.10.


On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Paul Makepeace wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 11:24 AM, <ben at bpfh.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 10:12:13AM +0100, Peter Hickman wrote:
>>> It's all part of the plan, make Perl so unreadable that only CAMRA
>>> loving beardy wierdos can use it and we'll all have jobs for life.
>> That implies that there would ever be a sufficient number of companies
>> putting Perl6 into production as to make a job market in it viable.
>> I'm still in favour of dropping the 5 from the current production version
>> number, ie make the next release Perl 12 and have done with it.
> Yeah, seriously, why _is_ it still perl 5?
>> Perl6 is not Perl - and having them both thought of as "Perl" will only
>> allow the Perl6 effort to poison the well for Perl, without actually
>> providing an ecosystem to replace it.
> Agreed. At this point, neither seem to particularly benefit from
> association with the other; possibly even harming.
> But then I've been an open advocate of a name change for years :-)
> (dev.perl.org seems to be responding very slowly if at all, if
> anyone's listening.)
> P
>> Ben

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