Stopping double clicking with Perl CGI

MacGyveR macgyver at
Thu May 22 22:52:53 BST 2008

On Thursday 22 May 2008, Iain Barnett wrote:
> On 22 May 2008, at 1:03 pm, David Cantrell wrote:
> > Include a unique ID in a hidden form field, and then on the server
> > keep
> > a record of which IDs have been processed.  Ignore any requests which
> > have a previously seen ID in 'em.
> This sounds like the most sensible option. Perhaps take a checksum of
> the info submitted, or assign an id and stick it in the cookie etc
> etc. Javascript should be there *along with* server side solutions,
> not on it's own.
> Iain

.net's viewstate feature works quite well for this, maybe implement something 
similar. testing your webapp becomes a little bit more involved though.

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