technical meeting 29th May 2008

Nic Gibson nicg at
Wed May 28 16:58:54 BST 2008

On 28 May 2008, at 15:43, Leon Brocard wrote:

> 2008/5/28 Kake L Pugh <kake at>:
>> On Wed 28 May 2008, Nic Gibson <nicg at> wrote:
>>> Does that meant it's a very long lunch or I'm not on the list then?
> The email just went out. Those of you who bounce emails from Google
> will not get it (you know who you are).

Hmmm. No but gmail *did* mark it as spam :)

>> Hey, this is Leon, he's probably still on the pre-dessert.
> Actually, I had an excellent lunch at the new Inn Noodle on Bayswater.

/me mutters
learning tree food is not good food.

>> Is there dim sum tomorrow?
> There is! That email just went out too.
> Enjoy, Leon

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