Stripping duplicates from a list
Torsten Knorr
create-soft at
Sun Jun 15 16:12:48 BST 2008
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#*** ***#
use strict;
# A other version without hash.
# More classical style :-).
my @in = qw(
aubergine Kake Xyz abcdefg
Aubergine Torsten daikon Greg
elephant 007 Barry Greg
kake torsten 13.6.2008 Greg
Banana TORSTEN aBcDeFg torsteN
carrot xyz Greg ELEPHANT
Daikon 007 Greg 13.6.2008
DaiKon bArRy 13:6:2008 banana
my @temp = map [$_, lc($_)], @in;
my @out;
LOOP: for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#temp; $i++){
for(my $p = $i + 1; $p <= $#temp; $p++){
if($temp[$i]->[1] eq $temp[$p]->[1]){next(LOOP)}
# The last item is the winner.
push(@out, $temp[$i]->[0]);
print("$_\n") for sort @out;
# BR Torsten
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