Ye Compleat History of Ye Perle Mongers of Olde London Towne (Pt 1)

Dave Cross dave at
Tue Jul 22 10:41:26 BST 2008

Some of you may know that I'm giving a talk about the history of at YAPC::Europe. I'll also be rehearsing it at the tech
meeting next week. Which means that I'd better write something.

I know most of the things I want to cover and I have managed to track
down most of the photos that I want to use. But there are a few things
that I need some help with.

If anyone could help me track down the following, I'd be grateful:

* The toilet seat photo (those of you who were there know what I mean)

* Details of the timeline for "project penderel"  - our first server
  - when was the scheme hatched
  - what was the spen
  - how much did it cost
  - who bought it
  - how long did it languish unattached to the internet
  - how long did it run before the disk failures started

* I've heard rumours of a film of the "heretics" auction in Amsterdam,
but I've never seen it. Also, does anyone remember the amount that it
went for in the end?

Of course, if there are any other interesting facts and figures that you
think I should include then I'd be interested in hearing from you too.

Oh. And I accept used tenners in brown envelope to _not_ include
particular photos.



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