Dim sum Thursday 1pm: Great British Beer Festival

Leon Brocard acme at
Thu Aug 7 07:39:22 BST 2008

2008/8/6 Leon Brocard <acme at>:
> It's a bit of a special one tomorrow - we'll be having dim sum (or at
> least oriental food) at a beer festival. So in fact we might consume a
> lot of beer rather than dim sum. For the whole afternoon. But then it
> is the 10th anniversary of (I have a tshirt and everything)
> and we will be heading to the social in the evening.
> Thursday 1pm
> Great British Beer Festival
> Earls Court

This is today. There is also a super birthday social today. I'm going
to try and survive dim sum^W^Wbeer festival and make it to both.

And bring your party gear! Leon

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