[job advert] looking for a perl person to write a web control panel

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Sun Aug 31 20:26:26 BST 2008

Peter Corlett wrote:
> On 31 Aug 2008, at 18:53, Martin A. Brooks wrote:
> [...]
>>> Someone with a decent CRUD framework should be able to get something
>>> up and running in that time, surely?
>> Peter would seem to disagree there.
> I would also estimate it to take about a day or so. £500 would therefore 
> be a reasonable estimate at the typical market rate of £300-400/day for 
> a Perl contractor.
> However, you're after a fixed-price job, which costs more because the 
> contractor is taking on the extra risk of the job going pear-shaped for 
> reasons outside their control. And IMO, £500 isn't enough to cover that 
> risk.

I agree. This is something that people that want fixed prices never seem 
to factor in. Particularly when dealing with short jobs, it really is a 
case of think of a number and treble it. Double never seems enough to 
cover it.


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