[job advert] looking for a perl person to write a web control panel

Martin A. Brooks martin at antibodymx.net
Mon Sep 1 10:35:26 BST 2008

Simon Wilcox wrote:
> Do you have a detailed spec and/or UI design completed or would this 
> be part of the work you want doing ?

I have a reasonable story-board for how I would want the panel to work, 
it's not entirely complete.   The UI design work will be done as 
templates by the aforementioned html monkey.

Martin A. Brooks |  http://www.antibodymx.net/ | Anti-spam & anti-virus
   Consultant    |  martin at antibodymx.net      | filtering. Inoculate
 antibodymx.net  |  m: +447792493388           | your mail system.

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