Perl's lack of 'in' keyword

Iain Barnett iainspeed at
Thu Oct 9 23:26:06 BST 2008

On 9 Oct 2008, at 9:15 pm, Aaron Trevena wrote:

> 2008/10/9 Iain Barnett <iainspeed at>:
>> I can only conclude your fibbing, unless you don't understand the  
>> link
>> between "thought police", naziism, 5th columnists, paranoia, the  
>> control of
>> language, and the dislike of challenging ideas.
> There are some links between some of those topics, but probably not
> the ones you're trying to make.

Bad assumption.

> 1984 refers to a totalitarian state, not necessarily a fascist one, it
> could be socialist, anarchist, communist, fascist, absolute monarchy
> or libertarian - totalitarian rule by all these groups occured in
> europe in the 20th century and the spanish civil war provided almost a
> lab experiment of how these groups ruled, whether at national,
> regional or city state level. There are no direct references to the
> Nazi party, and a great deal more to Orwells own experience of
> paranoia and propoganda in his time fighting in and corresponding from
> the International Brigade.

Since I knew that you might want to reassess. Btw, people refer to  
fascism/Godwin's law because of it's totalitarian aspects.

> In fact it's pretty well known that Orwell was no fan of the stalinist
> communism he saw in Spain, his Animal Farm book was clearly
> anti-soviet and when he was writing 1984 he helped a friend in the
> Foreign Office anti-soviet propoganda unit, so 1984 isn't directly
> linked to Nazism at all, much more so it's about communism.

never said it was directly linked to Naziism, that it can be linked  
was enough. Stop making assumptions about a lack of knowledge would  
be my tip. Or picking holes in an analogy I didn't start.


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