change which program user is looking at

Abigail abigail at
Tue Oct 21 23:07:47 BST 2008

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 03:55:04PM +0100, Denny wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 15:36 +0100, Dominic Thoreau wrote:
> > I'd be happy, in Windows (probably in other OSes as
> > well, but it seems to happen mostly in Windows for me) that I could
> > stop other applications bringing themselves to the front.
> Linux has definitely got quite naughty about this lately.  I don't
> remember it being a problem at all a few years ago, but it's happened to
> me quite a lot recently.  I suspect the hate should be aimed at GNOME in
> my case, but I'm not sure.

A few years ago I was developing a Linux distribution that needed
to install itself from a floppy disk on a console free box. I was
using a remote management card which would give me a virtual console
in a java application.

Each time I booted the box, over a period of 2 minutes, the java
application would grab the focus no less than three times.


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