Workshop Registration

Mark Keating mdk at
Tue Nov 25 16:55:06 GMT 2008

Hello fellow Mongers Perl,

Registration for the London Perl Workshop will take place on the day of 
the venue (do I really have to remind you all it's this Saturday) at the 
venue itself and will start at 8.30 a.m.. I will be able to discuss your 
intention to come the day before but I will not have the Lanyards until 
the day so there will be no pre-signing. I would ask you all to sign up 
please as it is a requirement of the fire regulations and to my 
obsessive need to have a long list of names.

Thanks :)


Mark Keating BA (Hons)              |  Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder
Managing Director                   |  Shadowcat Systems Limited
Director/Secretary                  |  Enlightened Perl Organisation          |  | 'Sufficiently Advanced Technology'

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