My New Job (Was: Social Thurs 8 Jan 2009)

James Laver james.laver at
Thu Jan 29 14:13:04 GMT 2009

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Peter Corlett <abuse at> wrote:
> On 29 Jan 2009, at 10:00, Adrian Lai wrote:
> [...]
>> For some reason, this reminds me of:
> There's also the one where you get off a City-bound service at Fulham
> Broadway and run the two miles to Sloane Square and catch it again.
> Presumably one isn't to rely on the fact that at 8am, the train will stop
> dead just outside of West Brompton and spend the next 20 minutes crawling to
> Earl's Court before being rerouted to High Street Kensington without
> announcement.

Or as this morning, sit at Fulham Broadway for 15 minutes, crawl to
the next tunnel, sit there for ten minutes, crawl to West Brompton,
stop for a couple of minutes, crawl to the next tunnel
, sit there for a couple of minutes and crawl to Earls court. Then
there was the astonishingly slow city-bound journey, though that only
stopped a couple of times, despite averaging maybe 8mph.

Are signal failures still "driver ignored signal" or is the signal
quality on the district line actually that appalling (athough given
that at Earl's Court, it doesn't know there's a train coming until
it's sat at the platform, this wouldn't entirely surprise me) ?


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