No social tonight

Paul Fenwick pjf at
Sat Aug 1 15:47:46 BST 2009

G'day Everyone,

Jacinta and myself have been travelling for the last few days, so if we've
missed any mails regarding emergency socials, I apologise.

We've managed to catch up with a very good friend who we haven't seen in
years, and so not having seen any plans to the contrary, we're planning to
spend time with her sightseeing London.

Hopefully we'll be able to see many of you in Lisbon for YAPC::EU.

All the very best,


Paul Fenwick <pjf at> |
Director of Training                   | Ph:  +61 3 9354 6001
Perl Training Australia                | Fax: +61 3 9354 2681

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